“If we judge someone on the basis of what he or she represents biologically (inheritance, but also national affiliation), psychologically (education, training) and sociologically (social and economic circumstances) , and not on the basis of what he or she is able to get out of it  then we are completely unfair to that person. “

Viktor Emil Frankl

“If we judge someone on the basis of what he or she represents biologically (inheritance, but also national affiliation), psychologically (education, training) and sociologically (social and economic circumstances) , and not on the basis of what he or she is able to get out of it  then we are completely unfair to that person. “

Homeless people belong to the most vulnerable group in the society. This is also exacerbated by the homeless people who have been called psychiatric patients. They feel very often exiled from this society, and many think that their life does not fit into the mainstream social system, and worldview.

 Logo therapy and Existence Analysis is the third Vienna psychotherapy trend, associated with Viktor Emil Frankl (1906-1997) a Holocaust survivor. Their application provides  different qualities to psychotherapy, pedagogy, social work, art therapy, and should  not  be classified as part of deterministic therapies.

Art therapy based on the human image of logo therapy has a very important role in helping homeless people. You can open up a path that they  have never seen before, due to their life conditions thus helping to strengthen their individual competence. From a kind of exclusion they  will be  able to reintegrate into valuable members of society.

It is true for most homeless people,  that they do not have the right amount and quality of relationships. Several sociological researches prove  that their ties  towards the majority society have vanished leaving them with only relationships of common fate , which in many cases are full of anomalies. The value-centered approach we pursue starts to act here   and strives  to help these suffering people. We believe that the joy of creation brings people into a depth and height within a group that is  inspirational in  every respect.

In our opinion in the course of an exhibition of a reintegration focused group  majority society can gain insight into the fact that the approach of general prejudices is  not  appropriate towards  homelessness or people with mental problems, so we may be able to adopt a more open, inclusive approach in the future.

Colors of hope


The winter I spent at Malta is the symbol of re-shaping fate. Drawing helped me open new channels in the way of viewing life. 

Kálmán Balogh
The winter I spent at Malta is the symbol of re-shaping fate. Drawing helped me open new channels in the way of viewing life. 

Attile Borsi
The winter I spent at Malta is the symbol of re-shaping fate. Drawing helped me open new channels in the way of viewing life.

Ferenc Bíró
Lifelong journey…

Erzsébet Budai
Ever since I’ve joined to this group I’m glad and I feel peace in my soul. The opportunity to be part of this group fills me with love.

Mári Hajduné Bojtörő (deceased)
“You brought nothing with you, you take nothing away, may you leave behind golden tracks on the old Earth-home.”  Freidrich Rückert
What does drawing mean to me? Synchronization of thoughts and the hand, acting along human idea and inspiration. To show moments in blissful or painful drawings.  A thought inspired repeatedly, and thus answered by the human hand.

Anna Harkányi
It’s really good to create, and so if people talented in something being looked up to. Someone in writing poems, someone in drawing, and someone in singing. It’s so nice to have had a chance to meet talented people from whom I can learn a lot. And it’s also very good that there are people who take up others’ drawings and poems. Thanks for letting us be a part of it.

Judit Holló Csilla
I like creating because I can express the feelings inside me with the different colors. It is an honor that a painter chose my piece for the exhibitions. It was very good when visitors were asking me about my work at the exhibition and I could answer them. It was so interesting when they told me what they could see in my drawing. It’s a very good feeling to know that others like my drawings.

Tiborné Szalai (deceased)
“You brought nothing with you, you take nothing away, may you leave behind golden tracks on the old Earth-home.” Freidrich Rückert

Józsefné Kerék
“The germ’s power to the cornflower is what’s love to us.” Vincent Van Gogh

Sándor Kiss
It’s really good to create, and so if people talented in something being looked up to. Someone in writing poems, someone in drawing, and someone in singing. It’s so nice to have had a chance to meet talented people from whom I can learn a lot. And it’s also very good that there are people who take up others’ drawings and poems. Thanks for letting us be a part of it.

Mária Kovács (deceased)
“You brought nothing with you, you take nothing away, may you leave behind golden tracks on the old Earth-home.” Freidrich Rückert

Éva Lakatos
The time goes by with happiness and I became calm in my soul. I like the group, I like drawing.

József Muka
What does creation mean to me? The pursuit of perfection. My role models are Bartók, Kodály, and Picasso. Sándor Petőfi and his poem “My mother’s hen” are my personal favorites.

Roskó Rita Zita Mukáné
What does creation mean to me? The expression of fantasy. Showing inspiration. My favorites are the biggest stars and Steven Spielberg in cinematics.

József László Németh
I think you have to be completely down on life to realise your lost and hidden values. Or you have to be poor and sick to get the best out of what is inside you.
What does it mean to me?
I didn’t know until now that I can draw, but I know now. But I also know that I have to learn a lot to become a worthy artist. This is the basis from where you can move on to a more professional direction. There are people who are real painters. There are people to whom it means joy. I enjoy it too, also because of the good company.

Mónika Németh
My name is Mónika Németh, I’m Christian-minded. Freedom and independence is my motto, according to which God created every human to be Free and Independent. Art itself is a part of life. Faith, hope, and love are put into my work. . Sometimes my drawings are childish, sometimes they are surrounded with christian ideals. Some of them were made quickly, some of them slowly. These depend on my condition, my mood. I wish Faith, Hope, and Love, even if only partially, could be found in my pieces

Iréne Oláh (deceased)
“You brought nothing with you, you take nothing away, may you leave behind golden tracks on the old Earth-home.” Freidrich Rückert

Viktor Pálfi (deceased)
“You brought nothing with you, you take nothing away, may you leave behind golden tracks on the old Earth-home.” Freidrich Rückert

Ottokár Rafát
Creation means the way how the artist visualizes art. That is, when coming up with something, how one highlights it from that he/she is working on.. This it visualization, the way of expression. This is the art of creation. To be pleasing to other people. When I start doing something I become calm and I try to do my best. Because I feel I have a gift what I’m just started to bring to the surface. It turned out now since I’ve been living here at Táblás.

Ágnes Rétei
It’s my heartfelt joy that Endre Sarkadi Nagy is my boss. He’s easy to get along with, he’s humorous and funny. I’ve known him for a long time! It’s good to draw! It’s joy! I’ve known Endre for a long time.

Illés Simon
I’d have liked to show in drawings and poems what a miracle the ceaseless presence and care of the Lord in my life is.

Mónika Sinkó
I usually draw when I am in the mood. Generally, in these drawings I show those things that are missing from my life and I show my desires, plans in my drawings.
The drawing itself calms me down a bit.

Szalkai István

 „ki nem kellett az anyjának
miért kéne az magának
ki az anyjának nem kellett
miért kéne az más embernek
duruzsol a sátán

kit az anyja otthagyott
azzal a sors jóllakott
kit otthagyott az anyja
én vigyázok majd arra
duruzsol egy angyal”

Röhrig Géza

János Takács (deceased)
“You brought nothing with you, you take nothing away, may you leave behind golden tracks on the old Earth-home.” Freidrich Rückert

Gizella Dürr
I still like the group. By drawing I can express everything I feel.

Ferencné Zsirai
My life has taken a positive turn since I had the chance to express myself in drawings, with a variety of tools, under ideal conditions, and in good company.
I discovered pastel. I like working with it. Soft, but still intense. I often notice that it ends up different than the original idea. I mix colors and the final result makes me wonder.
In short, it’s very good to draw. I have already drawn lots of grief and joy out of myself.

Professional materials, exhibition opening

László Beke, art historian The Homeless and Art

Eszter Ferber, művészetterapeuta, kapcsolatanalitikus

Dr. Richárd Korzenszky OSB, emeritus perjel

Prof. dr. Mária Prokopp Institute of Art History

Lélektől, lélekig… a művészetterápia margójára – Emőke Visnyei, szociális munkás, logoterápiai tanácsadó és személyiség fejlesztő szakember, művészetterapeuta

Nem csak kenyérrel él az ember… – Visnyei Emőke, szociális munkás, logoterápiai tanácsadó és személyiség fejlesztő szakember, művészetterapeuta

Zsuzsanna Zászkaliczky, művészettörténész

Judit Faludy, művészettörténész


Emőke Visnyei
