Prof. dr. Mária Prokopp Institute of Art History

Fototerápia - Vörösváczki Gizella

An exhibition was opened at the Department of Social Work of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University. Exhibitors included the Therapeutic Photography Programme of the Down Foundation conducted by photographer and art therapist Nóra Bege; the art therapy group of Bethesda Children’s Hospital conducted by Ildikó Sorompóné Fléger and Sándor Németh; the art therapy groups Álomállomás (’Dream Station’) headed by Csilla Kis-Kéry and Gyerek Berek (’Children’s Grove’) headed by Erzsébet Bubán as well as the art- and logotherapy group of the Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy BMSzKI with the name Táblás Hajléktanok halhatatlan értékei (’Immortal Values by Homeless with Boards’) conducted by Emőke Visnyei. Artworks made by Ica Kaszás, a member of Barcsay Art Circle (Ébredések (’Awakening’) Foundation) were also displayed. The exhibition was opened by art historian Prof. Dr. Mária Prokopp and folk music performer Mária Majda Guessous.

In what follows you can read the thoughts of art historian Prof. Dr. Mária Prokopp on the occasion.

I was gladly delighted by the invitation to open the 2018 arts exhibition of the Department of Social Work of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University.

I have always been aware – have seen and experienced – the way art transforms humans, raising the human soul and personality above the material world and opening human eyes toward Infinity,  the Genuine Reality, the Absolute and Eternal.

And this is a gift for each and every human being, including those who are medically ill, as God created EVERY human being to his own perfect image! God does not create waste. This can be experienced, in addition to parents, also by therapists who work with persons with various disabilities and whose enthusiasm is fed by the emotional richness and grateful love of these people they take care of.

Hajléktalanok - Zsirai Ferencné

The exhibition shows the fascinating results of the dedicated work the art therapists perform with great commitment, thorough expertise, joy and endless love. Persons who have become homeless are gradually convinced in the course of artistic creation that they have created value and their lives have a meaning. Thus they set off on the path towards recovery. They regain the faith that they will find their way back to society. Therapists working with thorough expertise and deep humanity are able to give persons with various disabilities, too, the feeling of success and endless joy involved in this. The exhibition distinctly proves that art is for EVERYONE; the beauty of the created world, the richness of colours and forms deeply touches everyone’s hearts and with assistance by therapists, persons with disabilities or illnesses, too, are able to create genuine value.

I wish both the therapists and the beneficiaries of care continued joy and success.

Let all of you be able to experience the great gift of humans: the ability to CREATE, and to create values. And what is the value that is the most valuable of all? LOVE!

This is what every visitor to this exhibition can feel and take home.

Budapest, April 2018

Prof. dr. Mária Prokopp
Institute of Art History
ELTE Faculty of Humanities